Weekly Schedule
We would like to encourage you to come and enjoy a time of Christian worship and fellowship here at Morningside. Here is our weekly schedule of services and events.

9:00 Worship Service, Worship Center (back building, band led)
Connection Groups (Bible Study for All Ages)
10:30 Worship Service, Chapel (front building, worship team led)
Connection Groups (Bible Study for All Ages)
9:00 & 10:30 Children’s Church, Fellowship Hall (9:00, 4th-5th gr, 10:30, K-3rd gr)
6:00 Disciple Groups (D-Groups), Fellowship Hall
Youth Discipleship, Chapel
Children's Choir, Choir Room
7:15 College Discipleship Groups
6:00 Adult Prayer Meeting, Fellowship Hall
Adult Choir Practice, Choir Room
AWANA, Worship Center Building
Youth Worship, Chapel
8:15 College Worship, Chapel